Call for Papers
Innovative results on multisensor fusion topics are invited such as sensor/actuator networks, distributed and cloud architectures, bio-inspired systems and evolutionary approaches, methods of cognitive sensor fusion, Bayesian approaches, fuzzy systems and neural networks, biomedical applications, autonomous vehicles (land, sea, air), localization, tracking, SLAM, 3D perception, manipulation with multifinger hands, robotics, micro/nano systems, information fusion, sensors, multimodal interface in HCI and HRI, etc. Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality papers representing original results in all areas of multisensor fusion and integration for intelligent systems. Six pages in standard IEEE format are allowed for each paper, including figures. A maximum of two additional pages is permitted. Published papers will be indexed by EI. An author of each accepted paper must register and present the paper at the conference.
To download the Call for Papers in PDF format, please click here.
Tutorials & Workshops
Like in previous MFI conferences, the organizers intend to arrange an extensive program of workshops and tutorials to be held prior to the conference. Proposals for tutorials and workshops that address topics related to the conference theme are welcome. More details on how to submit proposals for workshops and tutorials can be found on the conference website.
Paper Submissions
Paper Submissions is via the PaperPlaza conference management system. Final submission will be possible until 2/August/2012. Please visit RAS Paperplaza and select MFI-2012 to submit your papers and workshop or session proposals. For support, please visit Paperplaza's support section or contact us.
Papers will be reviewed in single-blind manner.
The final, camera-ready PDF has to conform to the manuscript preparation guidelines. In particular, you should use the provided templates and check the PDF for compliance within Paperplaza. You can submit a video along with your manuscript, for instance to demonstrate your experimental results.
Optional Video Contribution
Optional Multimedia materials (e.g. videos, enhanced pictures, audio files, experimental dataset, etc.) can be added to contributed papers. All contributions will be included on the CD/DVD proceedings and can consist of max. 15 MB of files of the following types:
mpg, avi, mov, mkv, mp4
Videos should not use special codecs (coders/decoders) in order to provide as much portability across platforms as possible. Any other extensions will be blocked. The video contributions should not have any commercial pitch and the authors of each video must have clear copyright of the audio and visual content. If you have other filetypes that you'd like to add to your paper, please contact us.
Digest Template
The Template for the Conference Digest can be downloaded here. Please send the completed slide back to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and include your submission number in the email's subject.
Frequently asked questions
- Paper size: As for IEEE conferences, the paper size for submission must be US Letter.
- Paper format: Two-column format in the IEEE style is required.
- Page limit: For the first submission, a manuscript can be of 6-8 pages. For the final submission, a manuscript should be of 6 pages, with 2 additional pages allowed but at an extra charge.
- PDF file: A manuscript file needs to be converted into its PDF version for submission. Please limit the size of the PDF file to be less than 2 Mb.
- Templates and IEEE eXpress compliance: See guidelines on manuscript preparation in Paperplaza.
Best Papers Award
One best conference paper and one best student paper will be selected from the submitted papers, and prices will be awarded at the conference dinner.